Page 307 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 307

Claim by Ruler of Qatar                 295

                              because some individuals of the. Ouwasir and
                              others of their subjects frequent it as they

                              frequent Ilawar ? Truly this is one of the
                              strangest and most surprising matters# We
                              refor 3ueh arguments to any ono who has a
                              sound mind and a living consf*.ic.”.u? and to
                              whoever has knowledge of rules and regulations
                              which are followed in all countries,
                                      Nov/ that I have explained ray comments

                              and remarks to Your Excellency as fully xiul
                              as is required by the circlingtunces of this
                              case, 1 am confident that His Majesty's
                              Government will stand impartially in this
                              matter and carefully investigate anu examine
                               it for real facts from their true aspects,

                               and will be guided by the strength of justice
                              more than arguments and will not be misguided
                               from the light of facts by any reuson.

                                      :3d/- Abdullah bin '“asim A1 Thani.
                                                  luler of ?atar.

                               Dated 9th Jafor .1358 (30th March 1039)
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