Page 303 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 303
Claim by Ruler of Qatar 291
whom q decision was given, are Bahrain subjects
Thoy wore not more y/ho havo fishing traps near Hawor or of those
disputes about fioh
traps, but about who frequent the islands for this purpooc, yet
righto in land
and water. this does not show in any way that the Hawar
Islands are owned by tho lulor of Bahrain or
that it is subject to him. If w •: take this
argument for granted, then, it would follow
that each Government who have subjects in
another country can claim that country as
belonging to them. This, I believe, is an
argument which tho Ruler of Bahrain himself
will resent if any claim arises about a part
of Bahrain in such a way. Any sane and right
thinking person will not associate himself
with tho acceptance of such actions which are
irregular and away from every knov/n law.
12. In the memorandum of the Bahrain Govern-
ment there was a petition signed by somo per
sons of the Dawasir, whose number does not
exceed twenty, alleging that thoy are the sub
jects of the Bahrain Government, and in which
they have put somo false allegations. We con
firm that these persons, who ere mentioned in
the petition, have no more connections Y/ith
5 the Hawar Islands than their being as fishermen
Untrue 5
5 Y/ho frequent Hawar In tho fishing seasons. We
Where are they ? 8 have many persons who tender ovidence that
their allegations are false and that they.are
no more than fishermen as is referred to above.
As to their real dwellings and places and their
I have myself
aeen them at pearl-fishing boats, these all ar.e at Bahrain
and its districts as you will find confirmation
of this statement in the enolosed documents.
In this connection I may mention that a family