Page 305 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 305
Claim by Ruler of Qatar 293
one which is in accordance with relevant con
ditions and situations in these parts, and
to v,hich tho people n:re accustomed and agree
able. The good faith of the P.uloro of Arab
States, and the exchange of mutual good neigb-
bourlinoss, humanity and tho love for the
well-being of all, couple. with the customs i
conditions -nd situations refereed to above,
are all matters which prompt the rulers to
leave the islands free, ns long p.s such islands
remain, as I have mentioned above, n refuge
in which the aforesaid fishermen settle during
winter, for fishing by setting fish traps and
nets on the shores of the islands as fish are
found tlwrc In abundance vrid are a 3ou.rca of
great profit, to tho fishermen who f ind it
necoasaby to remain on these deserted islands
for a long ttmo and which also necessitates
them to build dwellings and water reservoirs
as there j.u no water available on the islands.
The rulers of these islands saw no reason for
interfering with the affairs of those fishermen
because they ore caused by the aforesaid con
ditions. The above-mentioned conditions and
customs aro the chief reasons for not dopriving
these poor 3eomen of their means of livelihood.
Tho rulers also saw no reason for such preven
tion since such conditions prevail .not only
in Hawer but also in moot other islands. We
Zakhnooniyyah cite as an example the island of Zakhnooniyah
is a very special
oase and figured which is in Saudi Arabian territory near 'Ugairj
in the Anglo-Turkish
Convention of 1913. and which is frequented by the Duwaair and
others, as they froquent Hawar, who have set
up fishing traps and nets, and raised up