Page 306 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 306

294                       Records of Bahrain

                                          dv.'dliivjp «'.g la in Hawar,   In $act the
                                          conditions of Hawar nro comparatively the
                                          same as that of Zokhnooniyyah yet the Saudi

                                          Arabian Government sow no harm f rom the con­
                                          ditions mentioned above, and that is ueoauBe
                                           they 3 aw no reason for preventing persons
                                           who under such conditions settla on the
                                           islands, or for taking any other steps against
                    ♦Which are they ?      them. There are a number of islands in 'Oman,

                                           on the southern side of Qatar, v/hich are in­
                                           habited by persons ftfora Qatar who go t o settle
                                           there in winter and return in summer, and in
                                           which they have built 3tone houses, water
                                           reservoirs and mosques and in which they have
                                           sot up fisu trup3 and nets. Their houses

                                           and traps arc there up to this hour; would it
                                           then occur to us to claim these islands of our
                                           neighbours because some of our subjects go
                                           to settle there every year and because they
                                           have built Ileuses and set up traps there ?
                                           V/puld any one in the world agree with us if

                                           v/o raise the same plea as that of the Ruler
                                           of Bahrain for claiming the rights of our
                                           neighbours only because our subjects are in
                                           their territory ? Can tho settlement of
                                           foreigners in other people1 e countries be
                                           taken as a reason for their country to take
                                           possession of the territory in which they
                                           settle ?  Unless perhape this ia a new in­

                                           vention v/hich the Bahrain Government want t o
                                           put into practice, it would then be a differed
                                           mattor. Would it then occur to the Bahrain
                     Conditions are        Government to send their military detachment
                                           to Zakhnooniyyah and take poeeeesion of it
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