Page 317 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 317
Claim by Ruler of Qatar 305
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Ho.o/47e or y
Offlue of the Political Reeident
In the Persian Gulf,
Oompp Bahrain*
\ \°^a o L**' i r Dated the 30th September,1939*
Shaikh Abdullah Ms vtae'd
tel Theuii* CIS*,
l Ruler of viator*
>wSu* \ ifji) v£>J'
Aftor Coraplimento*
In reply to your letter dated
dHly* ^
the 17th Jamadl al Thani 1350 (4th
* August 1939)| on the eubjeet of the
A^Lo'p'y ownership of the Honor Islands* I hare
to lnforn you that the decision of
^ jCy* IJ\ *\ v* 1 Hie Majesty1 b Government conveyed in
oy predeoeBBor*e letter Ho*639*0* doted
the llth July 1939 (23rd Joxnadl al
Awal 1350). la final and that the
natter oannot be reopened*
^ ^ r r^ !y
Usual landing*
„ 4 y ~ *
ad, C.G.Prior,
mitloal Resident In the Persian Quite