Page 318 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 318

306                       Records oj Bahrain

                                              i* j  t. i >.'r i. f('tj t \ A.f,
                             Air Mail.                                  /r/'  i
                                         r.         Offioo of the Political Resident
                                                           in the Peroian Gulf,
                                                             Cojup, Bahrain.
                       D.0.No.0/466.J    19 4 1      Dated the 20th October, 1941*

                        Dear Reel,

                               Please refer to your demi-off i oi&j. lei;tei jUo.P.Z.
                        4000/4Q, dated the loth January 194l, regarding certain areae
                        between qatar and Bahrain.
                        2.     The moment 1 saw the decision on the Hav/ar Islands
                        case 1 told yov/le that 1 thought it moot unfair to qatar and
                        the explanations he gave me for his recommendations v/ore not

                        ones which v/ould carry any weight with any Arab,   1 have
                        delayed writing as i hoped to collect further information on the
                        subject, but the separation from my oldest records and the
                        destruction of others plus a complete laok of leisure has made
                        a full reply to your letter impossible.

                        3.     The Hav/ar lolarids case hue been decided according to
                        western idea9, and no allowance has been made fjr looal custom
                        and sentiment.   During a-* years in Bahrain 1 never heard any­
                        thing to suggest that these islands belonged to Bahrain, and
                        believed them to belong to qatar, a viey; supported by lorimor#
                        In his memorandum (undated) forwarded with Bahrain Express

                         letter No.T/3-l-a/29, dated the 3rd June 1939, of which oopies
                        were forwarded to you and the Government of India, Belgrave
                        roakeo various claims v/hich may carry weight in v/estern minds
                        but mean nothing to an Arab.
                         4.     I will deal Y/ith six of them
                                (a) In paragraph 4 he claims the DoY/aeir as Bahrain

                         subjects.  The Dov/asir only acknowledge their pv/n chiefs
                                                                                       •. ■
                    R.T.Peel Esquire, C.B.E.,M.C
                                                 • i                 / and             ;■«
                                   The India Office,
                 REOo. POL.DGPt.               London.                                   !
                     15 NOV 941
                  INDiA OFFICE
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