Page 323 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 323
Interest of oil companies in Hawar Island 311
P.Z. 2975/36.
City-Gate House,
Finsbury Square,
London, E.C.2.
29th April, 1936.
Dear Mr* Y/alton,
We arc, as you Vinov/ now negotiating with the Shaikh of
Bahrain for that part of his group of islands which has not
already been given to the Californians, He lias commenced by
claiming that the Island of ilawar is part of his dominions*
This island is, in fact, situated off the west coast of
Qatar, from which it seems to be not more than 3/U miles
distant at its nearest point. The island is shown on the
official map of Qatar which was signed by the Shaikh of
Qatar and by ;*.r. My lies and which forms purt of -the
Qatar Concession. This map, I believe, was seen and
approved by the Political Resident and, perhaps, the
India Office, All this points to its forming part of Qatar and
not of Bahrain.
The island is about 10 miles long, about 2 miles wide at
it3 widest and is believed to be uninhabited. ^It is said to be
sometimes visited in the winter and to have had in the past
some degree of connection with Bahrain subjects, if not,
(as the Shaikh of Bahrain now claims) with the Khalifa
family itself,
To which potentate, in the opinion of the Government of
India, does the island belong?
Yours sincerely,
J*C. Walton, Esq.,
India Offico,
Whitehall, S.W, 1.