Page 291 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 291

Claim by Ruler of Qatar                 279
                  Translation of a lotter dated the 9th Safar 1358
           (30th March 1939) from Shaikh Abdullah bln Qaelm A1 Thanl,
           C.I.E  • >  Ruler of Qatar, to the Political Agent, Bahrain.

           After Coraplimonta.

                  Reference your letter No. C/9 dated 5th January 1939
           (14-11-1357) enclooing a copy of the Bahrain Government'a
           letter about the Hawar Islands.   I thank you "or the jhort

           opportunity which you have afforded me to enable me to examine
           and investigate what has been written by the Bahrain Govern­
           ment on this matter.
                  Before commenting on the letter I beg to aay i-
                  Selfishness and covetousness are two of man's natural

           instincts, on which nations have proceeded since times im­
           memorial, and which drive some people after their coveted
           objects. This is due to some imaginations and fancies   f
           which develop to such an extent as to be ultimately mistaken
           for facts, which onshroud the minds and affect the hearts
           and senses. Then he would think that sophistication is one
           of the laws of selfishness which can legitimately be used to

           justify his actions when he challenges the rights of others
           and takos possession of thoir properties without any real
         I Justification.  This is what has prompted the Bahrain Govern­
           ment to extract out of sophistry a few weak allegations for
           use os a ladder on which to ascend to their coveted object.

           But they should understand that any Government, however
           tyrannical and powerful they may be and in whatever manner
           they may stray from the right path, cannot hold on to false
           pretences for unjustly taking possession of the properties
           of others if those who will prevent them and compel them
           to turn to the right path are available.
                  I therefore tequest you to reflect on the matter and
           to subject it to careful examination.   I Invoke your oonadience'

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