Page 288 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 288
276 Records of Bahrain
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(N.D.—TOiflfiati Ui: la INAL meua-je sent b; AI It MAIL which provide* a meins of communication more
expeditious Ihnu the ordinary mail and is cheaper than the telegraph. H is intended to be treatei ,
on rtttipl. with the same expedition us ij it had been teleraphed To save time ami to obntalt
formalities it ie drafted in the form of 11 telegram. It is authenticated by the eiynalure of «
responsible officer of the Dcjmrlnicnl.)
Nob/406-1, a/29
21ot JUne % •
Political Rosldent,
C/O Pootmaetor,
Reference corre3pondenoe rooting with my Express letter
No. T/3-l.a/29 datod tho 3rd June 1938 regarding the claim raised
by the Shaikh of Qatar to the Hawar Group of Islands.
2. I enaloae herewith on extract from a letter datod the 16th
Rabi al Thani 1367 which I have Just received from the Shaikh of
Qatar. (The remainder of the lottor deals with other complaints
A .
against tho Bahrain Government and no reference to Hawar;.
The Shaikh' a statement that he informed me that' "what he had written
was limited to the present situation" and that he might have further
evidence to produce is a complete contradiction of his previous very
clear statement to me personally, in rooponso to repeated questions,
that he had produced all the evidence on which ho relied, I do not
consider that any notioe need be taken of the new suggestion that
farther evidenae might be available oinco he was very clearly ins
tructed in my letter No. C/324-l.n/29 dated the 20th May 1938 to
produce at once all tho evidence v/hloh he has.
{•Signature) sd/- H. Weightman.
(Dcsignalion)Pol.iXi.06Ji Agent, Bahrain.