Page 284 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 284

272                       Records of Bahrain

                              Copy of Express letter No.C/312 dated the 15th May
                       1938 from the Political Agent, Bahraiivsto the Political,
                       Resident in the Persian Gulf, Hushirc.

                               I enclose herewith a c opy of a letter* dated the 10th

                       Rabi al Av/al 1357 which I have received from Shaikh Abdullah
                        bin Qasim of Qatar.
                          2.   In this letter protest is made against "the inter­
                        ference and action taken by the Bahrain Government at Hawar*,
                        which is a dependency of Qatar". It is claimed that Hawar
                        is by geographical position a part of Qatar, but apart from
                        the geographical argument no evidence is offered in support

                        of the Qatar claim.
                          3.   It is true that on my visit to Dohah in February
                        Shaikh Abdullah bin Qasim stated that he had recaved infor­
                        mation that the Bahrain Government were building and were
                        drilling for water ir. Hawars which they had no right to do.

                        As I reported to you verbally I attempted to draw him by
                        saying that I had always heard that the Bahrain Government
                        claimed Hawar as part of the Bahrain possessions, to v/hich
                        he replied that it was true that they had occupied Hawar
                        but that they had no "de jure rights" there. He changed
                        the conversation immediately and it was evident that at

                        that time he was by no means prepared to lay a formal claim
                        to the Hawar group of islands.
                          4.    I suggest that in reply to the present communication
                        from Shaikh Abdullah bin Qasim I should write and inform
                        him that though the Bahrain Government possess a prima facie
                         claim to the Hawar group of islands which is supported by

                        »their formal occupation of them for seme time past* His
                        Majesty’s Government v/ould be prepared to give consideration
                        j to a formal claim by him provided such a claim were suppoi't-
                        1 ed by a full and complete statement of the evidence on which
                       I be relied in asserting Qatar sovereignty over this group
                       I of islands.  I should ask'him to forward his statement of
                                                                   evidence/-. •
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