Page 283 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 283

Claim by llulcr of Qatar                 271

 »                                                     4000
                                    - 3 -                          ;
 I                                                      i94U
            area of oea botwoon the three mile territorial limito of the
            reopeotivo States whioh oannot properly bo claimed by either,
            Ao you are awore relatione between them are strained and I

            see little prospect of inducing eithor of thorn to agree to
            a negotiated division of thoir rospectivo ophoree of Juriadio-
            tlon#   Presumably therefore in the arena outside territorial
            waters either the Bahrain Petroleum Company, ao the client
            of the Bahrain ohaikhdom, or Petroleum Concessions Limited,
            aa the client of Qatar, enn conduct operationo by way of explo­

            ration or exploitation and it is conceivable that as a result
           i an extremely ugly situation /nay ariso'#  I can only suggest
           | that the two Companies be invited to come to an unofficial
            agreement between themselves to avoid this in so far as non-
          . territorial waters between the two States are concerned#

                                          Sell.     W/C'CSHTlH/W
                                        Political Agent, Bahrain.
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