Page 109 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 109

Representational government, 1954             95

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                     V/e, Suiman bin II; mod Alkhalifrh,
                hereby announce for the information of the publici­
                     ty! th reference to our proclamation No. 36/1373
                dated 13-11-1373 in which we referred to the Bahrain

                Courts and our subsequent proclamation No. 8/137**
                dated 6-3-1371i-> we again assure the public that it
                is our intention to carry out reforms in our courts
                as we11 as m the departments mentioned m our pro­
                clamation No. 36/1373 dated 12-11-1373-
                     The draft of the criminal code is now in the

                hands of the Judicial Assistant ofi the Government
                and will be issued when certain amendments have been
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