Page 105 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 105
Representational government, 1954 91
i Terms of Reference for Committee of
JSnqi^iry Appolnbod by the Government. i
(1) Ujy ' i Composition of tho Committee, .
■ * oy. *
Govornmont Committee, appointed^ i
: * .
by tho Govornmont, but its mombors include persons not
.connected y/ith tho Government as well as Government
- officials..-
;• i
Tho Committee, is not intended to Mreprosent" the public.
• v • • rc
• (2)i, . ' • .Du^l°3 ’ of the Comnitteo. •: ».
• -.v.... The duties„of the Conmitueo are:- •_
Firstly: • V
To make itsolf acquainted to such extent as it may bo
able with the four subjects mentioned in tho rocent '
proclamation, nanoly, tho Judicial, Public Health, Education
and Public Security departments. \ *
The Committee can obtain copies of the last Annual
: r
Administration Report from which detail^ and figures can bo
ascertained. If more up to date information is needed, on
figures for 1373? which havo not yotbeon published, tho
Accounts Officer, tho Director of Education and the Senior
Medical Officer nay bo asked to supply thor.
.' The Committee should hoar the views of poople who wish ^
to ppt forward proposals which they consider would result in
tho improvement ,oj^ tbe department concerned.
. Tho nt will invito all'persons who so desire to
appoar before tho-Oonntt-toe and the Committoe should then •
call before it such of those porsons whom the Committee
considers .likely to bo able materially to assist1 the' ehquiryV'