Page 101 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 101

                             Representational government, 1954              87
                            CONFIDENTIAL            !------
                                                      V .
                    FROM BAHRAIN TO FOREIGN OFFICE                                          <
             Cypher/OTP                          DEPAimtljTAL                               ■
             Mr, Wall

             No. 781               D, 0,20 p.m, Doccmbcr 5, 1954-
             Deocmbor 5, 1954      R. 5.17 p.m, December 5, 1954-

                  Situation Report;
                  Strike continues, All work at standstill except
             essential publi'o services which are maintained by British
             staffs, Only about 5 par cent of the Bahrain Petroleum
             Company's local labour (grp* undec,] yesterday and probably
             less today. Some Indian employees stayed away through lack
             of transport or through intimidation, Bahrain staff of all
             British businesses in Manamah are on strike, but firms
             carrying on as far as possible with British employees. Air
             services are normal, but air mail reduced to skeleton service,

                  2. There is a good deal [ grp, undec.] intimidation f.or
             which Higher Executive Committee disdain responsibility.
             The strikers' organization appeurs to be good and no
             scrlouB incidents have been reported, although the Higher
             Executive Committee oomplalned to me of the provocativo
             attitude of Boduin police auxiliaries on Awali Road,   I
             have urged the Adviser to use regular police instead of
             Beduin, but he lacks men,
                  3.   I have been giving wider publicity to our reading
             of the proclamation of December 1, through Ahmed Fakhra
             and Mansur A1 Oraiyidh, but without a more explicit announce­
             ment by the Government my explanations do not carry conviotion.

             DISTRIBUTED TO:                  ADVANCE COPIES:
             Eastern Department,              Private Secretary.
             Communications Department.       Sir I, Kirkpatrick,
              General Department,             Mr. Yfard,
             Nev/g Department,                Head Eastern Department,
              Lab</ur Adviser,                Resident Clerk,

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