Page 104 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 104

90                         Records of Bahrain

                                .   > GOVERNMENT OF BAHRAIN
                                         * •• •
                                         ' N 0 T I C| E

                                                                               • j ;
                  SSHk.£* .
                                                                                   i >. v. •

                  yflO' • .hlnvQohtinuetiori of .lour previous: Alan No,12/13?lh datod:*,6th « •
                   •R/Thanj,'•.i-37Vyt'V(3fd,\0QConbor'   ' wo ’horoby announco that^we ,
                   1 havb vnppolntodvtho ^following por3ons.’as rmonbors of a conril$too,:. i\

                                                                                     ■if ,
                                                           Mu iprAiraiaUfahd. I,s
                                                                                      ? '
                  vSSifV' ' Sr^ShaildV.i Ibrahin bin MoHanod’ AlKhalifah,
                  .Vv<V:V- 5;   “Alinod ’ bin*• Yusuf
                   ^2*'^:-.Thp^Cprnnj.t tppi.will; subnit to'.us its views and suggestions...'./. •
                   ,'wtfich.* wo$ viiiv: study’ and!-we will do what. wo find; nocossnry.   *•
                   ••bonqfit..and’..progress of ouropooplo. ' *     .V:--O'• *-;V /•
                   £3    *W.Wo'..'ro’nind■;' our pooplo that tho newly, appointod Britis
                   -Vudicijfil'JJCdyisofVcdninoncbd* work-over a month ago and has boon
                    sit.tlni; on tho Crlnlnal Court sinoo ho cane ,to pahrain. < -ji; - _ _
                   •::v;'/vVi (t!)^pch made in !drafting-tho .Criminal' Code;
                   /vhi;ch:>.w6';hppo;wi'il\bo conplotod .within sorjo..woGks.:. 7   '). ...v/'v;.
                   ■^W^v;t:»•'•'fife'/-!i’•-•V..                                      i
                   “Tir-yCc-Jr-Arfsonipr^RrltiSh^Offi'coxj'jVwho-frfasi previously, for. ton
                   fyoa'r's Governor'of Sinai .in Egypt. has boon appointed as Assistant
                   ••;Cbntiandant)'bf Pblico’ahd' another .British. Inspector has'boon :
                    appointod. .Doth;’have arrived to take up their idutios.
                   i\:: ,:^.i',(d)vA' now:British doctor has beon appointed as Assistant- to .-v
                    th'o- Stato'/Mpdical .Officor. IIo-will arivo in Dahrain in tho.middle
                    of January*..
                             ... '
                          / Another.woman doctor Joined tho staff of the. Women's'
                   .’Hospital about throe weeks ago.
                   " ;   / ’ '   ' • •’ ; V. *   .’   .                               : ■
                         (o) A'now T.D. Hospital-is in tho course of construction.
                    A, .T.B.. clinic containing a now and; vory powerful X-Ray unit will
                   '.bo 'open’in a -wook.‘or two. . •   * •; -
                    >• i               '         >. ‘
                   'V. ;V A draft regulation'controlling rents'of'shops: and‘.places of
                   .bUsinoss within tho JMarianah Municipal, aroa. has boon agreed to by
                   ••tho Connittoe Sot'tUp' by our Govornnont to study; this nattor. ,  •\
                   V.;V„          \      ‘          '   “"•••"•    ;   '    \T-
                    ;5v« V-.Thq;.Hwm()l5^nlclpaL olMtlop will.: bo hold tor ono nonth ■
                   .frpn now..: V -rh&■. •K-«-rr?w'
                                           . ; ■'» "■
                   '• .: •■ " As;air:these/c.things, have ,beon .na.ttors. ’of/interest anon$ ..the •
                    different-, inhabitants of Dahrain in. those .days wo tako ’ this,' •;
                   -.opportunity of bringing, then to the notice-of the public.*
                   •-•v.*’*'V.                     •        •          . .
                   w            ’ : Tr '•
                    ’ • "•

                                                        Ilulor'cf Dahralp.            k
                    '.Datod l4th1R/Thanl,;1374.
                         ' llth'Dddonbur195't.
                                                                         '    ' - . \ W-

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