Page 106 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 106
92 Records oj Bahrain
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ThQ Committee may also invite any othor porson to appoar
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before it and give evidenco.
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Tho Comnittoo may, if it considor3 it nocossary, -
' . • • . .....
’ visit-any of tho departments or institutions which it
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wishos to see, •» •
/ .
Tho Comnittoo must make a caroful record of its
procoodings.-most especially recording the nature of any
complaints/which it hoars from the persons whom it
.summons to:appoar before it and any suggestionsjnadoJTor
removing tho causos of such complaints.
• * *• \ *
Fourthly: . •
At tho ond of tho proceedings tho Comnittoo will
submit tho conploto rocord of its activities to tho
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Government together.with its suggestions and ••
(3) Procedure. .
It must bo clearly understood that it is not within •
tho duty of the Committee to open discussions or to hear
opinions about any matters othor than thoso mentioned
above, unloss specifically authorised to do so by the
Government, neither is it within the Committee's duties
to liston to any roquosts from any persons relating to
specific complaints concerning thorns elves-or othor
It will bo found, without doubt, that persons who
are callod to appoar boforo the Conmltteo will wish to .
state thoir viows not only on tho matters undor \
discussion but also on othor mattors with which the
•Committoo is not concerned. Tho Committee must limit