Page 103 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
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Representational government, 1954             89


                       FROM BAHRAIN TO FORKJO II OFFICE

            Oyphex’/OTF                                      DEPARTMENTAL

            Mr, Burrows
            No. 79?                      D, 7*00 p,m, December 11, 1954
            BeoetthdrH, 1954             R, 5.06 p,m, December 11, 1954

                 Adirossed to Foreign Offloo telegram NoT 799 of Deoembor 11.
            Repeated for information to; Kuwait
                          and saying to; Bubal B*ha        l.fuaaat
                                     / &f\ lollvjl-L
                 lly telegram No, 701* Bahrain internal situation*

                 Strlko ended on the evening of Boouubor 10 and. today
             Bahrain has were er less returned to normal,
             2,   The Ruler today issued proclamation announcing the appoint*
             nont of six nan committee to investigate education, puhlio
             health, judicial natters and puhlio Boourity. Tho committee
             comprises of three members of the Ruler’s family, whioh is.
             bound to oause adverse comment, one offiaial (shiah), one
             merchant and the British Blreotor ef Customs, It is not ideal,
             tho weakness being excessive representation of the Ruler’s
             lntoroots and insufficient representation of the moderate
             progressive elements. This is in spite of considerable pressure
             I directly and indirectly brought to bear In the last ten days,
             Tho adviser^, however, thinks it as good as can ho expected,
             given the RulerTs own stnbbornosa and lack of much ohoioe in
             possible members of suoh a committeo. Moreover, tho Executive
             Committee appointed by tho Ruler of Kuwait contains three
             members of the Ruling family and it has boon impossible to
             persuade the Ruler hero that he should not follow this analogy,
             3.   Broolamation is otherwise satisfactory and at my suggestion
             [grp,undeat] other recent measures as a whole e,g, work of newly
             appointed Judioial Adviser, The drafting of nev/ Criminal Code,
             appointments of Assistant Commandant of Belioe and a British
             Inspector, and of assistant to Btato Medioal Officer, Full text
             follows by bag.

             Eastern Department
             News lopartment
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