Page 99 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
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                              Representational government, 1954             85

                                  CONFIDENTIAL .
                         FROM BAHRAIN'TO FOREIGN OFFICE
           Cyphor/OTP                    DEPARTMENTAL DISTRIBUTION
           Mr, Wall
           po. 776                       Di 6,15 p,m, Deoerabor 3, 195V
           December 3, 195V              R{ 3AO p,ra, December 3, 1954

                Addressed to Foreign Office telegram No, 776 of December 3.
           Repeated for information to other posts

                General strike Is scheduled to start in Bahrain at 0600 hours
           Dooember 4, and will last 7 days,

           2,   We oannot bo oertain at this stagq to what extent essential
           sorviaes will be affeoted, but it seems possible that Cable and
           Wireless may be unable to maintain radio communications, In
           that event, we shall be able to receive and despatch brief
           essontial raossages only through the Navy mr R.A.F, ohannels,
           3,   Foreign Offioo please see my immediately following telegram.
                Foreign Office pass to Beirut, Bagdad, Cairo, Basra, Tohran,
            Jedda, Daraasous as my telegrams Nos, 49, 65, 49, 15, 13, 198
           and 12,
                [Repeated to Beirut, Bagdad, Cairo, Basra, Tehran, Jedda
           and Damascus]

           DISTRIBUTED TO;                  ADVANCE COPIES TO:
           Eastern Department               Private Secretary
           Communications Department        Mr, Ward
           Conference and Supply Department Head Communications Department
                                            Hoad Eastern Department

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