Page 188 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 188
174 Records of Bahrain
true democracy andjeonfidonoo of tho nationalists. The boy
cotting of tho pooplc to those Committees and Councils v/as a true
proof for thoir principal demand which Y/ao to let tho people
take part in the administration of their affairs through un elected
legislative Council,
r i '
Tho failure of the Investigation Committee, Education and lloalth
Committees and tho Committoo for making modification in the Penal
CocbLand the hitting of the appointed Majliosis at random and tho
withdrawal of their menwrbers clearly prove that thcro is a strength
established by tho people and that any Government with a sincere
good will for the benefits of ito peojble aught to co-operuto with
them in running thoir affairs.
Wo may as well point out here some of the departments over
whelmed by disorder. If we had a look ut tho judicial depurtmonl,
u sensitive pool where impartiality and competency are essential
for the realisation of justice so that it brings about poace and
confidence to the individuals of tho people, \fo would find it
lucking in many things connected with justice und purity, go is
the caso in Health und Education the Ufcils of which in the organiantio.
und administration ie no bettor than tho judiciary. The Municipal-
ites are also in a great deal of mess and negligence. In addition
to all this is the stubbornesu of tho n^iopolised comp uni cs such as
Dupco which is pressing on the local workers and dismissing them
and replacing them by Indians.
We by submitting to Your Highness this memorandum is to draw
to your attention the necessity of accepting the request of the
people for tho realisation of the reforms which they long for and
which cannot be attained except through an elected Legislative
Your Highness: We still have a grssxt hope in Your Highness
und believe that you will, by the grace of God, work on the real
isation of tho people’s wishes for progressing and flourishing of
the country in the coujjsr: of tho era of Your Highness .