Page 187 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 187
Constitutional reforms, 1955 173
Translation of a lot tor No ,106/53 cla tod 10.5.55 from
the High Executive) Committee to Hie Highnoss tho Huler
of Bahrain.
A long period, of time had olapoed oinco we submitted to
your Highness the last memorandum in which we Explained to
you the people's point of view towards tho corroption in tho
situation, such as it is, in the country und which caused genera
dissatisfaction to all the Individuals of the people. Wo have
dono our boot oinco submitting our first memorandum to reveal
the corroption of the situation together with(proposal for a
practical solution which would put an end to tho prevaling
We regret, Your Highness, to see that your Government
did not hoed the memorandums in spite of tho fact that they
expressed guAuine interpretation of the points of view of ullm
the people and explained their desire for tho necessity of the
realisation of their legitimate demands.
Your Highness:
The tasks of the Governments in every part of the world
is to guard tho interest of the people, to orguniso their
uffuirs and to realise their wishes. Ho Government in tlie world
is able to achieve ull that unless it co-operates with its
people in the administration of its ccjhtry's affairs.
Experiments not in Bahrain only but in every part of the
world proved that all the Mujlisis established by means of
appointments had failed. It is because that tho peaceful
methods of success of such council' aro by incorroptible free
election. Your Highness Government does not adopt this peace
ful method by entering into negotiation with the poople9
represented by the Committeep It rather countoractod the
grumbling of tho people and their dissatisfaction by appointing
commit teas and councils the representation of which lacked
true . • • /