Page 186 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 186
172 Records of Bahrain
Tho stox'y behind the two lettgrB attached (which haye been
copied to us by al Bakir) 1$ as'fpilOYfSi-
Lotter A was token tho Ruler on September 10 by Abdul AssIb
Shamlnn and Dayyid Ali bin flayyid'Ibrahim, Ilia Highness oaid that
bo did not approve its tarma, but if another draft wore produoud
Baying that tho High Exodutiyo Oomnittce dropped tho demand for a
Logiolatiyo Council altogether, bo wouJA pOftttyder it,
2, Letter B was accordingly drafted ajid'ahown to Hie Highness, It
dooB not contain tho written a^ourw>90 which the Ruler wao after,
and bo therefore re footed it*
3. I keep bearing that the Ruler*a*pothod of dealing with the
reformiBto iB to Bay that While he himaelf all for reforms, it io
tho British who are obstructing them* This does not guito aooord
with the attitude ho hap adopted in recent conversations with H, E.
The possibility that tho Ruler is speaking with two yoioes soenus to
bo borne out by tho fact that (I gather) ho lias never mentioned
these letters to H.E.. while ho has made a point of referring to
those received from his "supporters’*!
4. A further significant point about thin exchange between Hie
Ilighnoao and the High Executive Committee la that he is evidently
prepared to go to some lengths to seouro the written assurance that
\ they have dropped tho Lagiolative Council idea. This may be an
indication of tho strength of the opposition which is likely to bo
enoounterod in that quarter to tho establishment of an overall
representative body.
(sgd) I, T, M, Luaas, 27/9
1st 8eoretary,
Very interesting indeed.
(sgd) F, B, Riohards, 27/9
I will boo what I can find out from Bir C, Bplgrave about this,
I a eked Mr, Smith, Y/ho liad heard the story, but to whom tha Ruler
had Baid nothing either.
(sgd) C, A, Gault. 20/9
. — ^