Page 182 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 182
168 Records of Bahrain
Mrf Gault
No.629 D.6.55 p.m, August 27, 1955,
August 2/, 1955, R.6,10 p.m. August 27, 1955.
Addressed to Foreign Offloo telegram No.629 of August 27
Repoatod for Information to B.M.E.O.
And Saving to Doha Dubai Politioal Agent Bahrain
Kuwait Muscat
/ #!Olb| >°
My telegram No,625.
Further notiao was issued on August 24 by "strugglors for
Freedom11, which I regard as extreme section of the High
Executive Committee, in more violent terms than the Committee's
own notioo to whioh it referred. While opinion still is that
August 29 (tenth Moharram) will pass off without disturbance,
there is much talk of a general strike for Saturday, September 3.
If this is a peaceful strike there should be no trouble, but
I feel I oannot disregard reports coming in that various
forms of sabotage may be used, such as outting telephone wires
and preventing Europeans and foreign staff of the oil company
reaching the refinery. These may presage demonstrations in the
oourse of which violence could be offered to British
establishments and persons, I think at present that this will
bo direoted more against United Kingdom British than against
Indians or Pakistanis,
2, Merchants, who have of course most to lose, are very
nervous largely because the Bahrain Government has so far said
nothing and they are uncertain of our position. I am seeing the
Ruler today and propose to discuss with him the question of
landing naval foroe, as I have suggested in my telegram under
reforonco, and if next week oirouiiBtances appear to justify it,
tho placing of naval guard on the Agency, In looa^.eyes J)ie
Agency personifies British power, so if there are artyi.r,.