Page 178 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 178
164 Records of Bahrain
15th May, 195b
Tho Foi'olgn Mlnlstor,
The Foreign Office,
London, England.
Dear Sir,
It Id unfortunate that tho committee which came
Into oxlotonco sometime ago under the pretext of bringing
edification and progress In life for the people of Bahrain
failed miserably Inasmuch as the opportunity had been availed
of by its members more for their ov/n personal advantage. Be
sides., Bahrain has not been fully represented In tho committee
and occasions were very frequent and common when the voice
of Bahrain has not boon heard by the members. While It appears
that tho ruler has kindly consented to discuss with tho members
the problems confronting them tho committee without agreeing
with the public put off such meetings under the guise that
nobonoflt can bo drived by mere talk. It would also be
interesting to note that tho members were elected by them
selves without consulting tho people of Bahrain and no ooul
on tho Island is now pleased with the working of this commi
ttee, Wo modestly refrain from mentioning the uctlons of
the committee which wore to bring ch/aos and calamity In
this place and would request you to turn a deaf ear in future
to their representations or suggestions.
Yours faithfully,
A- •
Secretary .iO^Youths Union.
cc: The Residency
Bahrain, Persian Gulf.
The Political Agent,
Bahrain, Persian Gulf.
The Adviser To The Bahrain Govt • 1
Bahrain, Persian Gulf.