Page 176 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 176
162 Records of Bahrain
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'•' BAHRAIN * '
c t.-'i
1011/49/550) 7 ft: / ^ April 28, 1955.
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•:;j<v{;j» j'vWith .reference, to the reply from the High'
. : -iitfiLv,;Executive Committee dated March 29 to the reply 1 ••
’ , from:'the Secretary of State to their original.
memorandum (of, which you received a copy direct)
11.',feel as I believe $rou feel, that "This :
•;//'correspondence should now cease". This, latest '
. il
ilVi'v; document.brings forward no new.argument;which
-•*;,*’ijwould wrrant our answering it on the Secretary. \
i•.,■ !«.^J•!!1 of«. State’s behalf. - • •. \
•; :.i'i
' • rfr* * 1»i*i 2• ni'|; One point perhaps worth comment is .:the . •> ;
’‘’'•^/••' claim'lmade'by-the Committee to be consulted
.: on;.the new penal' code. This is of course a !
• dangerous claim 'and:one upon which no'government ~
\ •
at least in Bahrain, in present circumstances -.
could give way..; Whether this portends a new
phase of intransigeance on the part of the
committee or..riot”it:?.would be difficult to say.
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(c. A. Gault) ;• '-V
»«{$&•=;Mi0B.; A/ B.;.Burrows, ■ C.M. G., / j yi ;
tm HH
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iKiilffisBP '35