Page 172 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 172
158 Records of Bahrain
Mr, Burrows D. 12.40 p.m. April 7, 1955
No. 230
R. 12.36 p.m. April 7, 1955
April 7f 1955
Addressed to Foreinn Of floe telegram No. 230 of April 7r
Repeated for information to Cairo (for Audsloy),
And Saving to B.M.E.O.,
Deirut (for Devdiv).
lly telegram No. 7 Saving, j.'v S'
Bahrain Internal Situation.
Continuous efforts have been proceeding to ovcroojuo
the deadlock about the formation of the Government labour
Committee, There is some hope of success within tho next few
days. If, owing to insistence by the "High Executive Committee"
on Government recognition, it is impossible to secure participation of
workers’ representativestoccpp telle to them, theyw Quid'probably also be able to
prevent participation by representatives of other workers.
But even if this happens, the Bahrain Government will now set
up labour Committee with Government and employers' representa
tives only, in order tc produce a Labour Law as soon as
possible. Therefore, as arranged we shall very soon need the
help of the expert recommended in paragraph 4 of my Having
I telegram under reference, and I shall be glad to know what
I progress has been made on this. I should also like to knar
between what dates Mr. Audslcy could most conveniently return for
! a further short visit. I will telegraph further about dates
suitable here. It is possiblo that Ramadan may slow down
i proceedings, but A1 Bakir has expressed the hope that Mr. Audslcy
will return shortly.
2. Meanwhile the Bahrain Government are [gp. omitted]ing
their gazette skeleton of Labour Law and description of
Consultative Councils, left with us by Mr. Audslcy, as on
I indication of the kind of topics with which the Labour Committee
will be oxpectod to deal, I would hope that Audslcy might
have available on his return a fuller draft of Labour Law.
3. Meanwhile the "High Executive Committee" arc continuing
efforts to organize their own universal "syndicate". This
could be tiresome,as confusing the public about Government
labour organisations and union? which could be set up under
the Labour Law, It could also set the pattern for£&l
approach to labour problems which would be most b^mrujL^frno
way of countering this would be for the Bahrain Go'jdfyMont to
issue a very short law, saying that pending the prSSiugatlbn
of its Labour Law, as a result of the Labour CommiStelrs ;fcork
(and perm$s. • • •