Page 171 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 171
Constitutional reforms, J955 157
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on its own part,
its willingness to negotiate and discuss with the roproeontativea of the
pooplo their popular public doinands,
3) Thirdly, wo would repeat once again to yliat we havo cloarly
stated tliat wo are a peaceful pooplo who do not believe in any thoughts of
violonco, or illegal actions, and wo aro only trying to acliiovo our domands
tlirough poacoful and legal measuroa and moans,
Whon we submitted our memorandum to your Excellency, wo had a
firm bollef and hope that II,B, M*s, Government will take a fair and justly
decision towards tho people of Balirain rightful and logal domands, but
unfortunately wo wore seriously disappointed in tlio reply and wo were afraid
tint tho Bahrain Government will take tliis reply, and misuse its implications
and use it as a moans to continuo its unfriendly and defiant attitudo from
tho pooplo, on tho assumption that what it will do will bo approvod by
1I,B. H*s, Government a tiling wliioh will ultimatoly bringitout about wliat tho
memorandum afraid of liapponing.
With best regards,
Your3 faitlifully,
Abdulroilman Al-Baker , Haj Ebraliim Moliamad Hasan Faldiroo,
Sayed Ali Sayod Ebrahim, Abdulaziz Sliamlan,
. Haj Abdali Aliwat, Haj Mohsin Al-Tajir,
Haj Ebraliim Moosa, Itxj Abdullah Do-Doeb.