Page 168 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 168

154                        Records oj Bahrain


                                     Tins HIGH EXISCUTIVE COMMITTEE, T1AHRAIH.
                   memorandum,                       7
                   and the only oxcuso to such claim is to doscribo tho people of Bahrain ao
                   ignorant of its roal interoot and aro not oonslouo or aware of it,   l't is a
                   natural right for a vhola pooplo to decide its own affairs and have a final
                   word in it3 exocution, and ahould havo a word in tho projocts to be forced upon
                   them, Oji tliis basis, tho pooplo of Bahrain havo not gono boyound thoir logal
                   and constifjonal limit and right when thoy stood as one united lino to announco
                   its word through its representatives, and it is not tho fault of tho pooplo if
                   tho Govornmor.t lias ignored its domands and rofu3od to hoar its representatives*
                   and It is no moro a agorot that tho High Excoutivo Committoc, which liac boon
                   dosorlbod by tho*p$op3eo as a group lias under its liand tons of thousands of
                   signatures of tho citizens who havo accoptcd and accepted olootod tho Membor3 of
                   tho High Executive Committoo to act on thoir bohalf. If tho major difficulty In
                    tho execution and fullfilmcnt of the domands of tlio pooplo i3 that tide comndLttoe
                   who lias prosontod tlioso domands doos not roally represent tho pooplo, than wly
                    6hould not tho Government hold a rofrondum supervised by a noutral committee to
                    laiow whother tlio people liavo any confidonco in their lilgh Exooutivo Committoe or
                           It is most regretful to find the momorandum tries to describo tho desires
                    of tlie people in tlio reform of its own country's affairs, as a desire for opposi­
                    tion and such, while the concroto and basic fact is that tills people who liavo
                    shoun tlirough liis reprosontatives its willingness to negotiate and discuss its
                    demands if tho othor party shows such attitude. Thus it lias not opposed or put
                    obstacles before tho formation und establlolimont of tho labour committeo as statod
                    by tlio memorandum, but it has shown its willingo to do everything in its power to
                    oooperate with tho labour export on all matters, and it lias only askod that tho
                    Government sliould announco officially tliat it lias aokod the High Executive
                    Comnlttoe to be on tliis Conmitteo so that it can find a good and effoctivo means
                    of acceptanco to face the people who aro pressing for it, officially with, T^e
                    accusation of the Committee to have prevented tlio individual to accept invitations
                    to servo on tho department committeos liave no groung whatsoever, Tho Conmibtee
                    lias not tried to forco those citizens and prevont them tlirough sword or macliino
                    gun3 or ary ilUgal methods and all tliat it did was to state the people's point of
                    vlow in tlioso majlis or committeosand left to ovoryone of those citizens to act
                    according to what his national consoianneos and spirit tolls liim to do and Its
                    own belief in wliat liis own people all agreed. Tliis lias been tho attitudo and
                    policy of the coiwnltbee on all occasions, VJo would as!: who has bl.o powor to
                    force his ideas and beliefs on tlio people, is it tho poaooful committee or tho
                    Government ? Who ha3 tliroatened the people and bloodshodod und killed innocent
                    poople - is it tlto Committee or the Government ? Who has suspended all tho
                    liabilities and stopped the newspapers ? Is it the peaceful comnitteo or the
                    Government ? Who lias withdrawn from tlio citizons thoir nationalities and cashed
                    thorn in their own living,- is it tho poaooful committee or tho (progressive and h
                    constitutional) Governmont ? We already shown clearly tliat tho torm "Constitutional
                    can't be accepted all as roferlng to tliomoano wliich the momorandum statos as
                    existing and opened to us to participate in. Had tlioso oxisbingfconditions in tho
                    country boon in any way constitutional, ire would have boon tire first to welcome
                    and mport hy all our powers as what we are demanding is the fullfilmont of tlioso
                    really constitutional means wliich tho country laclcs at preoont.
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