Page 163 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 163

Constitutional reforms, 1955               149


                                     ijLf*  \
                       Tine EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, BAHRAIN.

     II lias boon, and is still centralized in tlic 1 lands of one person directing its
     affairs and curtailing its various aspeots, without giving any oaro or thought
     to tlio dosiros and wishes of the people. This kind of one person rule is solely
     responsible to the present stage of tho corrupted and disorderly Government
     Departments, which finally lead tho Govornmont to form an enquiry committeo to
     invostigato tlio causes of tills conation in those departments, Wliat lias boon
     uncovered so far, in tho Education, Health and Public security departments needs
     no further comment to stand as a proof to wliat wo say, which wo are quito 3uro
     that it applies as well to all tlia othor departments which lias not boon investigated
     as yot, This oomes dAspito tho fuct tliat tho Committoo did not havo sufficient
     information because of the boyoott of the pooplo to its work duo to the firm belief
     of tlio'soriousness of the Govornmont in tills rospoct. It is liard to grasp the
     idea of the ability of one porson to control and administer the whole of the
     administration, as it is tho case in Baliraln, even if lie is equiped with remarkable
     and suporior qualitios and knowledge in ovory branch of administration to bo able
     to stand to his responsibilities aoliievo them in tho best posaiblo way; but how
     doe3 it come when this ono porson rulor, tho advisor, is not oquipod with these
     abilities whioh is tho main reason why lie does not let tho exports to work freely
     in tho various departments they are heading.
              In the light of wliat we stated, we are astonished and surprised to the
     eight minor stops and non-bacio points mentionod in tho memorandum as a proof to
     the presence of tho first olement in Bahrain. Wo briefly comment on each point
     as followsi-
               (1)   Tlio Memorandum pointed out the intention of 11,11, The Ruler of
     Bahrain in introducing a comprehensive lav? to cover all aspects of conditions of
     work and labour mattors in Bahrain, with the assistanoo of the British labour
     expert in tlio Middle East, Mr* Audoley, In gladly welcoming tills stop, we would
     like to point out that such a lav? should have been passed beforo ten years at least,
     and that this intention lias not oomo oxoopt and only as a rosult of the labour
     awakening and their coming togetlior latoly in ono syndicate to protect their right
     and dofend thoir intore6ts after they lost all hopes in their progressive Govern-*
     ment to work out any po3ltlvo action in their favour and interests, Tlii3 comes at
     tliat when some of the neighbouring contrios liavo labour lav/s which tho Bahroineso
     dosirc to attain ovon a part of. Thus the Government lia3 not sot up on tills stop
     as a result of a progressive policy, but as a recognition to the existing situation.
     Nevertheless tlie wliolo question is still an intention and we don*t laiow whether it
     will be fulfilled in the proper way satisfactory to tho pooplo and protect tho
     interests of labourors,
               (2)   The Memorandum pointed out tliat a new penal code has been drafted,
     which is ready for promulgation,by a committee of omminont legal man. We gladly
     welcome tliic ajiep which we liavo boon asking the Government to do for so many years,
      and which it did not bring about lately except, when it found it impossible to
      continue with its present conflicting and oxtomporary laws issued in the form of
      noticAos and orders of the day. Wo do not however agroo to tho principle of
      enforcing such a law on tho people without giving it a word, so tliat it might come
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