Page 162 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
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148                        Records of Bahrain

                                         m      *»   ■
                                    Tins HIGH EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, BAHRAIN.
                    Hof .No.3.37/55                                  29 th March, 1955.

                    Honourable Sir Antony Aden, K.G.M.C., H.P.,
                    Her Majeoty's Principal Secretary of Stato for Foreign Affairs,
                    Foroign Office,
                    LONDON, F. W. 1,
                    South Woot,

                    RoGpooted Sir,
                              The Political Agont in Dal train lias handed to the Secretary of the
                    High Exeoutivo Committee on the 17th March, 1955 addressed and unsigned memo­
                    randum after roading it to liim paragraph by paragraph, and statod tliat ho lias
                    boon insuruoted by the Political Resident in Bahrain to hand tliis memorandum
                    on your behalf.   Tlie Memorandum states tliat wliat is mentioned stands a reply
                    bo our memorandum dated 21st Fobruary 1955, submitted to your Exoollency on
                    tlic Oocasionof your passing through Bahrain.
                              We would lil:o to express oiu* sincore thanks to Hor Britannic Majesty *0
                    Govcrnmont for the preface of tho memorandum ill showing its aympatliy for tho
                    desire of all peoples for orderly and progressive Government, and tlu'oe pre­
                    requisite olomonts for assurod and otoady progress i.e, l) A Oovornment which
                     constantly reforms tho administration to meet the growing dovolopmont of tho
                    resources of tho country and tho growing education of the peoplo, 2) The
                     cxistanco of tho constitutional moans for tho peoplo to oxpress their views on
                     matters which concern them and to take an appropraibo part in Municipal Govorn-
                     ment and in tho administration,   3) The peoplo, and particularly those who
                     have tho most oxporionoe, must mako use of these constitutional mothods to
                     express thoir views and to pratioipats in the administration.
                               Tliore is no doubt that tho recognition of Hor Dritannio Majesty *s
                     Govornment to the poople of Balu'ain to have tlioso rights is basically important
                     and it i3, for a peoplo desirous and anxious to attain a domocratic life, wliich
                     is tlie first tiling tho poople of Bahrain dosire to attain with tho help and
                     assistanoe and guidance of Great Britain wliich lias taken on itself tho
                     responsibility of raising the present standard of tho rule and administrartion
                     in Balu'ain,
                               Tho Memorandum statos that "tlie first two olemonts are present in
                     Balirain and also tliat the Govornmant lias talcon reformatory steps to bring the
                     administration up to dato, to wliich wc ask your permission to reply as followss-
                               With reference to what is mentioned as to tho presence of tho first
                     element in Bahrain, it is ab3olutly not true, as the administration has beon and
                     is still going on the samo unchanged policy Get up before tliirty years without
                     being offootod or influonced by the oliangos of timo and tlie modern method of
                     public administration.
                                                     ----- oontd.------

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