Page 157 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 157
Constitutional reforms, 1955 143
Bahrain telegram No. 7 Saving to Foreign Offlop
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Mr, Audsley has left somo suggestions for their initial work and
oould attend some meetings on hia return. But in addition to
this It would he essential that there should he some authoritive
guidance continuously avalluble to tho Committee for a period
of say six months during which they would ho working out labour
legislation, including provisions for registration and regulation
of trade unions, No one on the Committee will have any experience
of these matters or he acquainted with similar labour arrangements
elsewhere, I therefore strongly recommend that if the Committee
is set up Her Majesty's Government should make available a labour
expert for this purpose. He should havo experience of handling
labour questions in the Middle East and of working with local
Governments, and should be well briefed on labour legislation in i
other Middle East countries. His status could perhaps best be if
that of a temporary member of British Middle East Offiac seconded to
this Residency, This v/ould bo better from the local point of view
thaA seconding him to the Bahrain Government, Audsley will make
suggestions direct to the Ministry of Labour about possible
candidates, I trust that you Y/ould bo able to agree to this
recommendation without delay and that suffioiently attractive terms
might be offered to secure a first-oluss oondidatc. If things work
out in this way It would be a potentially important turning point In the
development of Bahrain and of our relations with the territory,
I will telegraph as soon as way is cleared for Government Committee
to be set up,
5. There might well later be a requirement for a visit by
Porter of B,M,E.O. to help over labour census and cost of living
Index (in addition to or instead of a general economic survey
whioh had previously been mentioned as possible requirement in
•orrcspondonce with B,M.E.(),)
Eastern Department