Page 156 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 156
142 Records oj Bahrain
pahraln telegram No. 7 Saving to Foreign Offloo
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(a) they refusod to put forward four names and demanded instead
that the Government should aooept a singlo name put forward
by them in tUo same way as would ho done for the ether
workers* representatives;
(h) the Bnlirnin Government niUBt recognise the "High Executive
Committee" hy writing them a letter asking them to put
forward a name;
(o) they were continuing the choosing of their "assembly" but
net for labour purposes,
3, After further dlsoussion with Adviser to Bahrain Government
Audsley returned to Cairo on March 11, Ho is prepared to return here
again in two or three weeks* time to advise the Government Labour
Committee if it can be act up, Meanwhile further efforts are being
made by Bahruln Government to devise means to get over the difficulty
created by the "High Executive Committee's change of front, Most
difficult point is that of recognition of the "High Executive
Committee" and on this I hardly feel that wc oan press the Ruler
to recognise the existenoe of a body with this title which claims to
exeroi3e several of the functions of the Government by holding
elections etc. I am reasonably hopeful that a way round may still
be found in the course of informal discussions whioh ore proceeding
actively with members of the Committee, Message as authorised in
your telcgrum under reference, for whioh I am moot grateful, will
be used at appropriate moment when we onn sec which way It is necossaiy
to give some added impetus, I am bearing in mind suggestion in your
paragraph 2, but future existence of this Government Committee is
not yet assured, as it has nearly completed the tasks with whioh it
was originally charged, Bahrain Government have however independently
decided to sot up permanent Committees for Health and Education
Departments, and to inolude in these one or two representatives of
reformist opinion, though not actual members of "High Executive
Committee", The establishment of these two Committees was one of the
original demands of the reformists and, in the case of Health at
least, was recommended by the Government Committee, It also seems
to go some way towards meeting your idea.
l. If as I hope it becomes possible to set up the Government
Labour Committee as planned it could probably begin to funotion in
about two or three weeks' time.
/Mr. Audsley