Page 158 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 158

144                        Records of Bahrain
                                                              !      (o<(y/n
                 Despatch No. 32                             BRITISH RESIDENCY,
                 (1011/1/31/55)                                   BAHRAIN.
                 CONFIDENTIAL                                March 22, 1955#

                            I have the honour to transmit to you herewith a copy
                       of the mebsage which, in accordance witjh the Instructions
                                                                              tfl le'^/k
                       contained in your telegram No. 211 of March 10, Her
                       Majesty’s Political Agent, Bahrain, gave Abdurrahman al
                       Bakir on March 17 in reply to the memorandum which, as

                       reported in my despatcl^o.    23 of February 22, the 11 High
                       Executive Committee" sent you during your brief stop hero
                       en route for Karachi and Bangkok,     Mr. Qault read the
                       reply ovor to Mr. Al Bakir, and subsequently handed him
                       an unsigned copy of the text since it was felt that
                       misunderstanding was certain to arise if he received

                       nothing in writing.
                             2.   While Mr. Gault was reading the text ho gained
                        the impression that Abdurrahman al Bakir did not like the
                        terms of the reply.   And when he had finished, the
                        latter protested that his Committee had never had any

                        intention of doing anything illegal or indulging in any
                        act of violenco.   He protested also that he had been
                        told by Mr. Audsley that this Committee wore to choose
                        four names for the workers' representation on the Labour

                  The Right Honourable
                        Sir Anthony Eden, K.G., M.C., M.P.,
                             Her Majesty's Principal Secretary
                                   of State for Foreign Affairs,
                                        Foreign Office,
                                             London, 8.W. 1.
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