Page 155 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 155

Constitutional reforms, 1955               141

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                            INWARD SAVING TELEGRAM
                           FROM BAHRAIN TO FOREIGN OFFICE
           By Bag                                   DEPARTMENTAL
           Mr, Burrows

           No. 7 8avin«
           March 14, 1955           R, March 19, 1955

           CONFIDENT IAI.
                Addressed to Foreign Office telegram No. 7 8tvlng of
           March 14*
           Repeated for information Saving to Cairo (for Audolcy)
                          B,M,E,Q,             Beirut (Devdiv,).
                Your telegram No, 211 [of March 10], Bahrain Internal
                Following on development reported in first sentence of my
            telegram No, 145 [of March J] "High Executive Committee" were
            informed tliat Government Labour Committee was to be set up
            consisting of three representatives of Government (2 members
            of the Sheikh’s family and one British official), 3 employers,
            (one American or British from Bahrain Petroleum Company, one
            from largest Bahraini merchant firm and one Arab contractor)
            and three workers, (one representing Bapco employees, one
            representing Government labourers and one to bo ohosen by Bahrain
            Government from a list of four xuimes which could be submitted by
            the "High Executive Committee" to represent all other workers,)
            At the same time Mr, Audsloy saw the Secretary of the "High
            Executive Committee", explained this offer ancl outlined the kind
            of advice on labour legislation, consultative councils and
            eventually trade unions which he would give to the Government
            Committee, He said that the "High Executive Committee" plan for
            a single union would not work^ and urged them to take the present
            chance of •ooperation with the Government and to stop talk of
            demonstrations and aetion which they had already begun fto form
            their own "assembly" from which delegates to their single labour
            Union would be ohosen. After discussion in the "High Executive
            Commit toe" all this was unanimously accepted,

          •      2, Unfortunately "High Executive Committee" later changed
          ' 't^oir minds and Mr, Audsley was informed on March 10 that;-
      ^ •  ° V                              /(a) they
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