Page 152 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 152

138                       Records of Bahrain
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                   Clause Twoi     Every member will pay on enrollment Too of rive
                                   rupooe and an annual subscription of twelve rupooo
                                   pai<jl in advance, The Executive Board may dooido
                                   by a two-third 2/3 vote to enaempt any member from
                                   payment, part or the whole of the annual fee, if
                                   it seen neooeeary, on the condition that tho mombor
                                   will pay thooo aumo when tho condition of oxamption
                                   ends, The Exfcautiye floapd may dooido for additional
                                   feoa and tako tho panation and approval of two-third
                                   2/3 majority of tho general assembly,

                    Olauae Three| Any member may windrow from tjio Syndicate, and hae
                                   to notify the Executive Board,, in writing a month
                                   before; and ho hap no right to: reooyer any part
                                   of his paid subscription or donation. The Exooutlve
                                   Board hae tho right to oxpol any member off tho
                                   Byndioate if it aeoe that he is harming or working
                                   againat the Byndioate and inducing other members
                                   to withdraw,
                    Clause Four|   Every member io requested to wprlt for the common good,
                                   and aocept the decisions of tho general assembly
                                   or the Exooutlve Board of tho Syndicate, and put
                                    them info effect,

               Arti'ole Four*      The Finance*
                    Clause Onei    The finance of the 8yndioato ip oompoaod of the
                                    enrollment fees and annual subscriptions and the
                                    donations, and from its ownership of the commercial
                                    or cooperative enterprises whlph it control or
                                    hold part of its shares, directly or indirectly,
                    Clause Two*     The money of the Byndioate will be despoaitod in
                                    one or more thun one bank, or with some of the
                                    trusted notables oitizens, as the Exooutlve Board
                     Clause Three* The Treasurer is responsible for the flnanoe of
                                    the Syndicate, and will organize it and administer
                                    it with the assistance and holp of the Financial
                Article Five*       The General Aooemblyi
                     Cl&use One*    The General Assembly includes all the registered
                                    membors of tho Syndicate, and functions as the
                                    Bupreme Authority of the Byndicato. During tho
                                    firto year an elected convention of one hundred
                                    members representing tho various groups and sects
                                    of labourers will act as tho general assembly with
                                    all the duties and powers.
                     Clause Two*    The General Assembly will hold an annual meeting
                                     in December to discuss the affairs of the Syndicate
                                     and hear tho roporto of the Executive Board, and
                                     elect a new executive Board for the coming year.
                                     It may hold other meetings if the Executive Board
                                     sees necessary, or if it is demanded and requested
                                     by 1/10 ono tenth of the total members, One tenth
                                     of the total members form u quorum for tho meeting,
                                     and if it io not oompleto the meeting is adjourned
                                     two weeks later whore uny number present will
                                     constitute a quorum.
                                                                           /Cluuse Throe*
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