Page 147 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 147

Constitutional reforms, 1955               133

                2.   A now penal codo for Bahrain has ‘boon drafted and
           la almoot ready for promulgation*     This code has been

           drafted by a committee of eminent legal men and has been
           compoood In the light of the lateot and most up-to-date legal
           thought on the subject.
                3.   As Ills IIlghneoB the Ruler announced in proclamation
           No* 13 of 1374 °n December 11, 1954* & British Judicial
           Adviser, Mr. Peace, has been at work in Bahrain for sane

           months*    He has been sitting ao a judge in the Criminal
           Court and has already been able to eff       considerable
           improvement in the machinery of Justice,       He has also been
           drafting a large number of laws and regulations which will bo
           promulgated ao soon as possible,      The British Government
           have also offered to train suitable Bahrainis in the law in
                 4.   A British Assistant Commandant of Police, Colonel
           Hamrneroley, a man of much experience in police work has been
           in Bahrain since December and is thoroughly re-organising

           the police force,     Two senior British police inspectors have
           also been appointed.
                 5.   His Highness the Ruler has agreed to modernise the
           constitution of the various municipal councils in Bahrain.
           He has also appointed committees to supopvise the administ­
           ration of education and public health ao recommended by the
            official committee at present enquiring into the
            administration of the iolands.

                 6.   A British doctor has been appointed assistant to
            the State Medical Officer and hao taken up his duties.       A
            British woman doctor has also recently joined the staff of
            the women's hospital and steps are being taken to recruit
            Arab nurses (women) from surrounding countries,       A British

            anaesthetist has also been appointed to the State Medical
            Service and will shortly arrive in Bahrain,      All these
            persons are fully qualified medical practitioners trained in

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