Page 146 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 146
132 Records of Bahrain
The Secretary of Stato for Foreign Affaire hao rocoived
the lotter handed, to tho Political Agont on tho occaoion of
hie paooing through Bahrain, Ho hao instructed me to make
the following statement in reply,
Tho British Government, ao they.have shown in all
parts of the world, sympathise with the desire of all
peoples for orderly and progressive government, Steady and
assured progress can only "be achieved when the following three
elemonts are present: first, a Government which constantly
reforms the administration to meet the growing development
of the resources of the country and the growing education of
the people; secondly, the existence of constitutional means
for the people to express their views on matters which
concern them and to take an appropriate part in municipal
government and in the administration; thirdly, the peoplef
and particularly those who have the most experience, must
make use of these constitutional methods to express their
views and to participate in the administration. They must
not set up rival organizations of their own designed to
cause confusion and to "bring pressure to "bear on the
Government "by unconstitutional means.
In Bahrain the first two elements are present. The
Government have taken the following steps to "bring the
administration up to date:-
1. His Highness the Ruler has announced his intention
of introducing a comprehensive law to cover all aspects of
conditions of work and labour matters in Bahrain. The
British Government have, as you know, already enabled a high
official, Mr. Audslcy, who is expert and of v/ide experience
in such matters in the Middle East, to pay a preliminary
visit to Bahrain only laot week to give advice, and this
official will return again to give further advice in
connexion with tho preparation of this law.