Page 148 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
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134 Records of Bahrain
universities and hospitals in Britain. • A tuberculosis
hoopltal ia Boing 1311111 containing 30 Beds and a tuborculosiq
clinic hao rocontly 'been 'brought into uoe. In udditlon, a
number of improvements cither haye already "been put into
force or soon will Be, in the medical service, ao a result
of the recommendations of the official committee of enquiry
into the general administration of the islands, Finally ?
a women1 s hospital of 200 Beds is Being Built, Part of it
is expected to Be in use By the end of this year, When it
is complete this hospital will douBle the hospital facilities
in Bahrain,
7. The new electric power station at Jufair is to
come into uoe in June, Its main purpose is to supply the
villages and outlying parto of Bahrain with electric light
and power.
8. A largo Boys’ school and a large girls’ school
are under construction in Manama.
Secondly, there are available adequate means for the
expression of opinion and for the participation of the
people in the administration:-
(1) His Highness the Ruler’s majalis;
(2) The newspaper which will shortly start again;
(3) The long established committees - Majlis et
tujara, Waqfs, agricultural conmittee, etc etc,;
• 9
(it) The Government investigation committee which
contains representatives of the people and which
invited the public to testify Before it, It la
unfortunate that none of the so-called
"representatives of the people of Bahrain” took
advantage of this invitation.
(5) The two new permanent committees which the
Government is establishing for health and
education. These will contain representatives
of all shades of public opinion, and their duty
will Be to keep in touch y/ith public opinion