Page 153 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 153
Constitutional reforms, 1955 139
w 3 •*
OXauao Throoi TUo 0onoral Assembly elects an cxooutlvo board of
fourteen members ropreeontlng tho various groups
and aootn of labourers, lias the right to
Jnoludo among them non-momborn from tho culturod
and edugatod citizens,
Artlolo Six! The Kxeoutiyo Boards
Clause Onei Tho Exeeutiye Board is directly responsible to the
General Assembly of the Syndicate for all its works,
Clause Twoi The Executive Boa”* eloots, in its first meeting,
a president, a at etary. a treasurer, and a goneral
suporvioor and a doputy to each of tho four offices
to assist and replace the original member when
Clause Three| The president will mamage and preside oyer the
General Assembly and Executive Board mootings, and
will do the external contacts related to the Syndicate
and its members, Ho will sign togothcr with the
treasurer on all cheques and pay slips,
Clause Four| The Secretary will execute ill the decisions of the
General Assembly and the Executive Board, and write
the correspondence of the 8yndioate, and note down
tho minutes of tho meetings, and announcing for
theoo meetings, He undertakes the external contacts
related to the Syndicate, He is direotly responsible
for tho execution of all tho deoision, and the
administration of the projects related to or undertaken
by the Syndicate,
Clause Fivej The Treasurer will administer the finance of the
Syndicate, and the arranging its accounts, and sign
together with the president! on all cheques and pay
slips, and relating the subscriptions and donations,
He is directly responsible for the financial part
of the Syndicate and all the projects related to
it. He prepared the financial annual report related
to the Syndicate or any of its affiliated projects
with the help and assistance of the financial
Clouse 8ixi The Qeneral Supervisor administer and regulate the
whole set-up of the Syndioutio constituted of all
groups and soots; and strengthening the personal
relationships of tho members. He controls and
administer tho social activities and the employment
agonoy of tho Syndicate.
Clause Seven; Tho Executive Board will form subsidiary committees
from amongst the members of tho Syndicate for the
financial affairs, for the social and educational
activities, and for the publicity. The decisions
of theoo committees haB to be approved by the
Executive Board beforo executed. The Executive
Board will decide tho number of members in each
committee, and it may appoint as many oommittees
as it scob necessary.
Clause eight; The Executive Board holds a half-monthly meetings,
It may hold other exceptional meeting if it is
requested by at least five members of tho board,
/Clause Nine;