Page 149 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 149

                                  Constitutional reforms, 1955               135

                      regarding•tho affairs of thooc two departments;
                (6)   The labour committee on which employere and workers
                      will bo equally represented;

                (7)   Tho municipalities, the statuo of which is now
                      going to bo roformod in order that they shall have
                      greater powers and autonomy.
                 It is unfortunately the third element which now seems
           to be lacking, namely the participation of tho people in the
           constitutional institutions open to them, and the reaoon for
           this iB the attitude adopted by your, group which has refused

           to testify before the Government committee, which has made
           difficulties about participating in the labour committee
           and which is trying to prevent individuals accepting
           invitations to serve on the departmental committees.
           Everyone knowB that there are further improvements which
           ought to be made in Bahrain.      This is true of all countries,
           But you must not try to run before you can walk,        If you
           refuse to make use of the methods of reform and consultation
           which ore open to you, if you boycott elections which the
           Government seek to hold, there must be serious doubt whether
           you are sincerely working for the real interests of Bahrain,
                 The British Government are deeply Interested in the
            peaceful development and welfare of Bahrain and will alv/ays

           watch Bahrain's progress with sympathy,       They will give their
            advice when required.    The British Government cannot,
            however, recognize the group of individuals which signed the
            letter as having any constitutional authority, especially
            when it refuses to make use of the ample means available for

            applying democratic processes and for increasing public
            participation in the administration,      The British Government
            support the Bahrain Government in introducing reforms and in
            broadening the relationship between the Government and people,
            as the Bahrain Government is now doing,      If any section of
            the population of Bahrain departs from constitutional methods

            and resorts to violent action or illegal political pressure
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