Page 154 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 154
140 Records of Bahrain
n i
Jlaus* Nine) In the state of‘the r«elsnat}on pf pny member of
the Executive ^oord, he is replaced by tho following
member in tho number of votoo In tho General
Assembly ©lection (neotlng.
If the resigning. member function as president,
secretary, treasurer or general suporviaor, the
Executive Doard yriXl' pleat oimoono oloo of ita
members to replace him*
Clause Ton| Thq Qonoral Aeqopibly of tho ^yndioate will decide
ihe recompense tp qaoh pf tho president, the secretary
the treasurer| ^ho general ouperyispr and their
Olauao Eloyonj Tho Executive Board will present to tho General
Assembly of the Syndioatq an annual report on the
administrative and financial affaire of the Syndicate
and will publish it,
Clause TwelyPI Thfl Executive board will decide an official centre
for tho Byndiqatp, It will appoint the neoeoaary
staff to run the'administrative work of tho Syndicate,
Artlole Severn The Qonstlifcfcion|
Clause One) An$r article, olause, section or paragraph of this
constitution of the Syndicate of Labourers in
Bahrain may bo'amended with the approval of half
the members of the Syndicate,
Clause Two) It is requested that all the administrative regula
tions and the byelaws relating to any of the affiliated
projects controlled or direoted by the Syndicate
should be harmonious and in accordance with the
phrases of thjbp constitution, and consistent of
its essence and spirit,
This constitution of the Syndicate of Labourers in
Bahrain’has been dlsouosed and studied and sanctioned