Page 145 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 145

Constitutional reforms, 1955                131

                 Bahrain telegram No: H3 to Foreign Office

                                       - i, -
                  8,   Bahi'ain police are now In a somewhat Letter state than
             prevituslyV but they have not completed their reorganization
             ro-equipment and lnorease In numbers, They could probably oope
             with peaceful demonstrations, but If these turned Into an
             organized attompt to upset the forces of order it oannot be assumed
             that the police would In all olroumstonnes remain In control,
                  9,   A move in the direction of labour organizations will haye
             Important repercussions elsewhere In the Gulf, but there ai*e
             already signs of a similar evolution in Kuwait, and the over­
             riding consideration probably is that a labour movement is bound to
             start hero anyway also, and tho Bahrain Government will do better
             to guide it from the start rather than let it grow up on its own
             in opposition Bahrain Petroleum Company warmly support this view
             but it will bo very hard to get the Ruler to aocopt it.

                  10,  I should be glad to know, ns soon pa possible, whether
             you agree to my proceeding generally on the lines of paragraphs
             1 and 5 above.

                  Foreign Office pass B,M,E,0J as my telegram Not 11 Saving,

                               [Repeated Saving to B,M.E,0,],
             DISTRIBUTED TO:
             Eastern Department,
             Labour Adviser,
             Information Policy Department,
             Regional Advisors.
             News Department,

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