Page 142 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 142

120                        Records of Bahrain

                                                                     F A  |0 U.f5J
                                 pROM- BAHRAIN TO FOREIQN OFFICE

                    Gypher/OTP,                    >\ ' '     DEPARTMENTAL i Jjmm
                    Mr, Burrow*
                                                   “Bl 9,35 p,m, March 3, 1959.
                    Hffl-m, '■                    i «l 10,23 p.m, March 5, 1935,
                    March 9t 1953
                    yyi^nx, :
                         Addressed to Foreign Office telegram Her U3 of March 5
                    Repeated for tafanatloti                 B,il,E.0».
                         My deapatoh No| ?3l Bahrain Internal situation,

                         There have beon Pant further developmental  % • •
                         (a)  "High Executive Cajmittee" have produced the draft »f a
                     labour organization whloh they wish tt set up, The government haye
                     anntunoed that they propose tt pa8a a labour law and tt aot up a
                     committee tt atuiy it, but have not referred to the possibility of
                     trades unions being established, Mr, Audsloy (Labour Counsellor in
                     Cairo) arrived hero March 3, at my request, to glvo us advioo on
                     thoso labour questions,                    i
                          (b)  Bahrain Government have received application to publish news­
                     papers, in one oa60 subject to prior government censorship, The
                     Ruler wishes te sot up instead a government newspaper, The "High
                     Executive Committee" have threatened boycott ;of the paper which
                     Mr, Batt hopes to start here in a few months1! time (but this is
                     moot unlikely to bo effective), The "High Executive Committee"
                     announced previously that they would stage demonstrations if their
                     demands were not granted. It is being fairly strongly rumoured
                     that this will take place for three days, beginning April 1, There
                      is also a story, told by a relation of one of the members of the
                     oommittoe to a British source, that if these are ineffective they
                     will assassinate one of the members of the ruling family and one
                     European, A member of the committee, on the other hand, has told
                      the Political Agent that the Ruler*s brother,! Da*ij, is organizing
                      a clandestine oounter-mevemont which will carry out terrorist
                      activities with the intention that the blame should be put on tho
                      oommittoe. Those stories may ref loot nothing more than talk of such
                      possibilities within various groups,
                           2, ' The Ruler, in a conversation with the Political Agent, hag
                      oritloized us for receiving communications from, and giving inter-
                     j^J-eijs to, members of tho committee, which, hoj says, inoreaces tbeir
                   V ,<s$y&ng middle of the road opinion, He .alluded to thf
                   a^(feasibility of deporting members of the committee, but did not appear,
                   r to> t^e it seriously for the time being,        Th
                       liV >

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