Page 138 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 138

124                       Records of Bahrain

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                   our situation. It la to 1)0       J-k—9/ O' o*        a*>-1 & u£*- o'
                  rogrottod that wo find B.M.'a i*V| ~ ^1        ^'5 43 JJl—* 03   j*jJI lj.4^
                  Oovornmont supper ting 1'oudnl and •                           ^ <u J<j
                  abaoluto rulo which lias fallon •         ; u
                  bohind tho times although thom-     ii«i>J I i JJ^oU L J^j hj Lh^i h^S>* O ^
                  selvos ao deeply rootod in tho           0I>*          ‘-i»xS o^ 0b ij J li 0^3
                  domorncy. Doos ".D.M.'s ^ovorn-
                  ment, for instance, grant one      t ., - ,* Iplw; iJ}l»JI 1*>-L» uy^>- Cr^~ O* Cd*2!)
                  third of tho rovonue to Ilor         1 ,!.m^ ol   ^ «—-iJCijJl ^ k£)y ^l^Jl
                  Majooty? Ur doos H.B.M.'s Govorn-
                  mont allow a single person to over­   <jJ*y V ^Jl iu«U*JI 'iU?      Liu.
                  rule tho British and diroct thoir    *j|—-1 o* 1*   J-^b u1   c *0“ o"
                  affairs? Or doesit allow a handful         • 1_>jji>- |J1 U*X«J I I JA ,^1*1^ o'
                  feudal lords to dominate thoir
                  g nomica? If Groat Britain ho3
                  lvng 3lnce rid itsolf of such         0 ' ^ ^              o' UJ J--J ^
                  nbuoou, then why doos it not help       w u „ ^uji ,L»V| UoU-^JI
                  other young rising countries to 4J •*          '
                  rid thomsolvos also gradually of     o=u—>JI («*: oM/^)      C^*4 ^
                  similar abuses, particularly as dr_>j|^J|             ~0b jJI       iUJ»
                  these countries aro seoking its s?,rT^I , ./T.C            "
                  liolp and support.                                           <y'    1Jxf'
                                                        t j>Jl 5L>JI   l5 hi>- J lil>v>.l J^lI 1 j-fe
                  Your ^xcolloncyv The situation hero , _ I , .N1 .. .* aji - 4 v <j|
                  is getting from bad to worse and >           JJ' o^~" o***- 4“A^rlJ 3
                  tho Adviser to tie Govorninont has                       L4.-I; ^ivJI 1^"^.
                  since ho was first appointed, thirty; JjLJ| ^jii XJJ UjIjpI, 3^hJfv^'
                  years ago, being following as a        U „   ?.    '   ....v.           1
                  dictator, a never changing policy.         VsdH* JX»Ji uy*- O'J
                  It is strungo that ll.B.f.1. ' n Govorn- j 1f l>-k q\ & I ( - U j->*j V ;>-tuJI
                  rnentshould still continuo to aupnort.,          ,    -.11   -  11  11,_. *j| |jj»
                  him in suclpollcy. Ho seems to us Cf1^ ^ ^          ^                  *7.
                  the only man from tlie United King- li»-     UL.ji jJIuJlLJI        0*V 1
                  dom who has boon in Foreign Sor-? bp^’L^L 3iL M ^ V.              by»-a*
                  Vico for so long u poriod and who ,       '        xx            ,   . -11
                  isstlll supported in his obsolete iV,<i/ul cs^' cf>U Jbj               ^
                  and liigh-handod policy by ".B.M#'a      "      "    "
                  Government against a people who*
                  aspire for a bottor life at a timo    litfjjUJI o*-fi b>-j£   ^1 J*y hi' t
                  when the aspect of tlic world Is
                  changing from day to day, so that         J          v_>I JwJI
                  what was good for 1924 (tho year In                           . UjUJI
                  which Bel grave was appointed) can no
                  more be good for 1955• And yet he is
                  still continuing to remain in office        i,UiJI^-Ub 1,1-h X), .Ifcwl Jo
                  in spite of ul.l that tho country is
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