Page 135 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 135

                                Constitutional reforms, 1955



                       2                                     ->T -
       our utmost to pacify tho pooplo     h _;jdl oU jOo>o     b, p L_*y IcJb uis*
       and hoop their oxcitod feolingo
       under control, despite nil the      pl—iJl      ijL*; ij I f jiJl^
       arbitrary and unlawful actions      4-yJ- JutfpJLJI j j^pJj jJlt3-JUI
       taken by the Bahrain Government
       against them, with complete dis­     1 ja j 1^   • 4i—*>   at   ji d- J ^ j. J
       regard of their aspirations.                ^ 44^>JIc.-^3          l *-r 1^ J1
           Wo have repoatodly pointed
       out those irresponsible and un­              J b-jJ    J I         U 4
        justifiable actions which could     (j^>1 ijk f tyJ 1CJi*» J
       only make the situation worse, to       ^wL^Ji piJIjljj jLup'JI j\ j»—L UirL»5t b.
       H.B.M.'s Political Resident and
       Political Agonts and which could               4       yUb
       us a best resort to push the                l Jl J       l # l> U Jifj
       peoplo to take matters in their      P_I jl bjJi>i_.l>- tfoij b*.xtil M>- i-M   4_» 1 luJs
       own hands. But the only advice
        they would givo us was to bo inor<\>*^**Jl i—yb-j       . Ail/ tS^~ bJ
       patient. Acting upon their               _£U                   J ^ jl~3  4 Jjvj
       well intended council we continu-c          <   • <~ \      ,. . k*, .
       od tolling the poople to wait andO^pr1            ply- v-*^' V
       do nothing rash, until they roach-fl* j^i>. hiyL.oL           ^ 4uculi U ji
        od ouch a a babe of frustration by        J L*lTiljldU-JlcJU
        long v/siting that we could no moro ^                                •
       keep them under control. It waso^ k* 4 i-^Jl           J           Jc L^ui^-
        thon under their bulky pressure ^U'Jl ^ ^ U^lbJlJ *iJl v1 J
        that we wore fncod to declare a *  *       ^       " r ^-1
        goneml strike which lasted for         ;/       o,c*1*io’ u
        n full week, bringing all public    Ljl>uaJI ^Jl>ujC L/>J1 JL-Oj *lyVI j.j ^ jJl
        activities to a stand still, and
       was so peacefully ami exujnplarily    US* ^   1 ^jy b£ uJ l pl»J l«   jL ^ 1 1 p4U I
       obsorved that tho like of which was«       jkJh.n.jfipJj •   Gs/***^ o? Jb-Jlj*
        never before aeon in any othor      ur—^                           ck ^ a-
        purt of tho wold. Wo believe
        tho news of it must have come to    1 y-v-vili. j I 0Ui*SUIl U5LJ1
        Your Excellency's oars at the time.__^ jJl*_^JI jl Jl ^ j liLJ I, iiaJ I X
        Nevertheless, no soonor had this                ,[ , .   ,    . u \
        general and most poacoful strike C—O* tr31 1 Jft o'e'VS • * f
        caino to an ond than tho Oovernmont o j-^Li         0Uil«J1   lu     olj,
        of Bahrain countor nctod by cutting  -ii'i     ^l_ji i-sy
        one week's pay off tho salaries _ . i 5 . , v/T. 3 .
        and wages not only of their  own          0 *"i» pj tJ I ^ IaiJ I j liLu
        employees but also those of otter ji, . UJ jk~Jl dJ joo J^s^y-luljA 4. jy.
        Thiaabut3fordouraolfnc'."ti-ol°woui(i °* ^ v- -11 o'                  i* J>
        certainly have brought very serious ^                    *JUj ^ jJl 1 dJ j
        ■w&rxrr iSiSsats..

        hoping to got help from them but * -—*>•& b^>Jl 4^ j: ^ jJl LbJl J ^jiJl
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