Page 132 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 132
118 Records of Bahrain
Muocntln, ole.) whom, ho thought, would bo
moro reliable Hum Die local men. I
exprensoddoubt whether f>0 would bn enough
t.o stiffon the morale of Die other jJOO.
He thought however that with Colonel
llanmierulcy' r presence mull theoe new men
things were already better than before.
The armoured cars should, I think, help
hero. H.h. is paying for these out of his
own pocket.
5. The Advisor gave me u cony of the
Government Committee of Enquiry1n report on
the health department. The iluler refused
to ullow it to be published. It contained
nothing very startling. Some of Die
recommendations were sound and reasonable
and otlioro fatuouo. but the government had
met some of them ulready, e.g. the Anaesthcti st.
Here I Quid that. I thought a mistake had
been made in ;|ust publishing the letters
of appointment baldly in the gazette without z
naying that it had boon clone in acceptance 5
•of the recommendations of the Committee of CC
Enquiry. This should bo done in my view, <
for any innovation carried out as u result
of the Committee’o recommendations the S2
Government should tuke all the credit x
it could for till3. 'J’he Adviser made notes H
of the various points I made and may, I z
think, contrive to do oomotliing.
! z
6. I also spoke, once, in general terms, UJ
of the nedd for more British staff since
there did not seem enough for the work 5 ■
7. I think the Adviser realises now that
tilings are Berlouo here, I said that in 0
my view the reformers would always be wanting h
more and that therefore the "constitutional
problem" would always be present, liis z
difficulty I feel is that he is up against X
a brick wall in the shape of the Hu]or - y~
who .lust will not see any light, And tlii3 z
is going to be a serious problem for us too.
(C. A. Gault)
February 1<J. lc)rir».