Page 133 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 133

Constitutional reforms, 1955               119

                              THE HIOH EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE

                                                    16th Jamada Thani 1374.
                                                     9th February 1955.

    ILLu Highness Shaikh Salmon bin Hamad Al~Khalifah,
    The Rulor Of Bahrain.

    Aftor Compliments,
                      We are quite sure that your Highness is eager and desirous in
    establishing calm and peacoful condition, and achieving a liigh stage of prosperity
    and welfare to your peace-loving people* and would not like to have the general
    conditions go to such a critical stage of backwardness, socialy, oconoraicaly and
    politicaly, which no responsible person will accept for those whom ho is looking
    after. The Islamic code of Jurisdiction has stated clearly that everyone should
    fulfill his duties and obligations toward his country and follow citizens, even
    prior to Iris family and personal dutioq and obligations.
                       In stating those faotp to your Highness, we are only reminding
   you that there is still a right which has not boon corrected, and there is a chaotic
    organisation wirich needs a complote and basic change so that it might go harmoniously
   with the change of life and the evolutionary development of civilisation. 1  Our demand*
   which we have submitted to you on behalf of the people, constitute a part of those
    things to bo corrected and the deshuffle of the whole organisation. But, it is
    unfortunate and regretful that Your Highness Government did not care to give up or
    accept any of the people's demands wirich we have submitted, or to yield to tlie wishes
    and the demands of the citizens.
                       We, duo to the present tense and forceful pressure from the
    people, and in earnest doBire to have stablo and peaceful and prosperous conditions
    to this country, repeat once again our wishes to Your Highness to accept the people's
    demands and thus take off this obression and will register to Your Highness glory in
    the history of tlris country added to the love and loyalty of your people.
                       We sincerely hope that soraeting is to be done, soonest before the
    time when it will bo difficult for anything to be done or acceptj and it all rest in
   your hands, and wish you all the blessings of God..
                       With high respect and loyalty and humblonees.

                                                          Yours faithfully,
                                                 SAY1SD AH SAYED IBRAHIM
                                                 HAJI MUHSIN ALTAJER
                                                 HAJI IBRAHIM bin AHMED MU ESA
                                                 HAJI ABDULLA ABO DEIB
                                                 MR. IBRAHIM 1JQHAMED HASAN FAKHROO
                                                  HAJI ABO ALI AL OLAIWAT
                                                 MR. ABDULAZIZ SA'AD ALSHAMLAN
                                                  MR. ABDULRAHMAN ALBAKER.
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