Page 136 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 136

122                        Records of Bahrain

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                    with no results,   Whon Mr.                          J*j\rJCr**m J*'JsSiy
                    Sbuckburgh canto to Bahrain wo
                    thought that homight havo brought                    • i* l---->jJl *-LaL
                    u solution with him to tho cankerous
                    problom, but disappointment awaitodiJlLJ)       i_<L~>. 0I I j__ \n\
                    us us wo wore not ovon allowed to                             "* 1
                    moot him.                                 qIj 6jXJI * j—& J   cfl 1—
                         no sooner had ho left than
                    tho Government of Bahrain came I        A Jj f B CL i t-fralll yJk 1 ■■«» 1 ilULjJt l .4
                    out moro and more in the open with
                    its irresponsible policy, which S    j___>JI pJLJJ 5__ -JLJI.L^JLjJI I  :l___a]
                    culminated in its suppressing all
                    local papers and ruthlessly con-* Vi“*N      . . Vl^-J   xll Cyl>—^Jl *k—^
                    downing in its own official j
                    Gasotte tho public representativesP“~   ~^>vJI     I    >J jj—*   x»a V
                    This could only loavo a depressing. _ o. ,  .       . n-  Jy ■—■*>• J-—a t>*
                    effect on ovon amongst the foreign'-'-11" ^            4
                    communities who wore following tho ^  1            ~~ ^Jl _____JJ r*ljJI
                    developments with keen interest,':        —* JJ
                    as never before was it known thot          1   tJI jtjj cL—Jjlj—j   jJl
                    u Government, unless absolutely
                    dictatorial and dispotic, would      u.Xj jdl I j___ 6 3lJM----------»JI IjJ-l—O i
                    cause local press to cease all
                    opposition, only to continue more      4 y------4JI ----- «3lj i_^i>-lj—II ^1---- -*j^VI ,J
                     and more brazenly its own offonsJiv_o
                     and abusive policy as is now boi-ng*4----1      i—            -Jl o
                     done in Bahrain.                 \
                         Not satisfied with this, it j fJ—*L                             S\
                     wont of Its way to encourage soma m , . i \< m ii • i -           s-VI
                     members of the ruling family to j •     J^     w  t11 i?-9     —
                     issue under cover secret circulars
                     and pamphlets intended to disrupt. - j__ o< ^
                     the unity of tho people by spread- ~           •           J     1
                     ing false rumours and hoping ,jjL~s rX       x- x-s,
                     devilishly to divort their popular uH       J-     ^
                     movement into other channols.                i)-----*>■ J a f *  l_a IJ
                          This bore results in "tho
                     Mo slim Brothorn" appearing on tho 0 UL, £JI j iy ^1 b        .j
                     stage and commencing to spread i "        ‘
                     their teachings undor covor of      r iJI * ^ j___II^1 . afll o* **  .uJ
                     cooporation and the call to stick "                         •     i u
                     fast by tho Ruler and his family,      —>^JI\\\f J u—
                     Other groups of dlstructivo ideas                          .   ,
                     ulso found their was in so that |                              •
                     that thoy scorn now to bo all worjc-                   ••       *—-L-J
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