Page 139 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 139
Constitutional reforms, 1955
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tragically suffering economically], 4 1 lsU>C
soclully nnd politically, and in
spite of tho hotrod of tho people
which is now ablazod. Wo find
H.B.M.'o Government in other
countrioa on tho othor liand chnnpp
thoir mon v/honovor thoy find tho
policy followod by auch men hooping
pace with the oxistlng situation
of those countries, To quote Qatar
which is to all intents and purpo fjoa
far behind us has beon able to change
their advisor in tho course of foyr i j-.—1' <> -v-Ji
years. Butin our case whenever v/q
raise our voices in complaint v/o are S^rf- ------- - —..... .
told that the Rulor is happy with jhis^*/jyj —j^;l aU|j_i£ ^B-J I
Advisor, which only means that thq l3—Lcj^o £-UJ I
public have no say in the policy c?f
thoir country. Wo are told that or—r vX
Il.D.M.'s Govornmont has tios with, Cr-**
tho Rulor, and v/o consldor that
such tios may have beon of valja
in the past, but at present wo
believe that it is Jn tho interest
of Il.B.M.'s Government to have tiosy
with tho people without whoso sup^r ^
port tho Ruler would bo holplesa. ^
Il.B.M.'s Government is cortninly in
a position to bo fair to both sides.
Wo havo full confidence in thoj
good will of Il.B.M.'s Government
towards tho Baprpin pooplc but at j
the same time v/o do not like tholrj
policy of procrastination which they
have boen lately following and which
ultimutoly leads nowhere, whilst i.t
llos so much in Il.B.M.'s Govornmenj:1 s
power to roasuro tho pooplo and ho^p
to get bade their ri$it3.
We knov/ that H.B.M.'s Government
do no wish to introduce improvements
ut thisstago in tho existing condi
tions out of regards for the remaining
Gulf ^haikhdoms, nor doos-it intends
to /'rant Bahrain tho constitutional
life which is in accordance with l\io