Page 140 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 140

126                        Records of Bahrain

                                        LAaM           I

                                                  Lfl S' iM

                    standard of tho pooplo hero In
                    comparison to that of tho pooplo of the
                    other bhalkhdoina   T'ut to ua this aooms
                    to bo a groat wi\ to wh ich wo nro be­
                    ing aubjoctod ao aolf conacloua pooplo
                    fully uwaro of thoir rights and contrary
                    to tho principle)a of human rights which
                    Circat Britain hao itaolf signed.
                         H.B.M.'s Govornmont who la endeavour­
                    ing to.civilize the savage backwurdu
                    pooplo of Afrlca, ohould not allow any­
                      thing to como in ita way to lteop our
                    poople to plan up to tho lovol thoy
                    desire. in truth wo do not boliovo in
                    moving by loops but the demands we have
                    put forward wo considor to be as our
                     lawful rights, and wo do not believe
                     that those demands could be considered
                     in terma of "loops11 with rognrds to tho
                    public comiclousnoas, which is driving
                     tho pooplo forward to a state of maturity
                     with an irresistible force.
                         Wo hope that what wo have explained
                     to you in dotal! about tho oxlstlng stato
                     of affairs will prompt you to take an
                     active intorost in our .lust couao and
                     give it a fair decision.
                                        Yours faithfully,
                                  Representative of tho people of
                       Signed byJ S0yodilli Sayod Ibrahim,
                                    Baji Mohain Talir,
                                    Baji Abdu nll ‘ liwat,
                                    Hu,ji Abdull« Abu Thoob,
                                    Bujl Ibrahim bln Musa.
                                    Haji Ibrahim Mohomod Basunn k'akhroo
                                    Adbul AShamlan,
                                    Abdul Hahmnn a 1 - 13aker.



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