Page 137 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 137

Constitutional reforms, 1955               123


                        4                                   - *1 -
        lng under tho covor of tho dark.          2u»U> uS*- l,li» I.L. Uli UjI
            This could only mako pooplo        . *       .
        loco patience and thoy havo ox- s?—*./*•         O')      O* of
        prossod the J r disapproval and I J_^ bJ LfjjxL* ^            ^1 UJ ^
        disgust of such activities by ,         ’   > # ,. . ...     i i *. i, i&j*.
        boycotting tho Manama Municipal 1 ;y*         y* O** y **y J
        oloctlons which run directed solely—Li>JI t j*    j- JaU^ iJX>J| i*»-U* u£*~
        by the Govornmont and controlled *  \% i;\.  \ ^ jjjjL ^OUVIfS^JI j*U=5
        by lks v,hlma-                    L-ik^iu^Ji J.<i
         Your Excellency,                    i_<U 2JX>J1 Ju>-LaJ X^ Ulk^     ^
                                  r* m<*h,->**«»**> c—>>^

        greedy aims in thlscountry. Ml          o* c*-*"     ^ 6
        that thore is, is the Intornatloii^__ ^ loli c LisLjUail ,I* LjJLj .-—tlLtfl
        al obligations for the protection          .      "     .         -“1 u
        of tho Intornational air routos        crj ^           Ji        jj
        for tho freo world. For thi3         1____iu^ciUsJI Jtii-SbJl jXJI   V ULli
        sss: zs s                                      ^ «.* ~ ^ ^ ■> w
        their rights. Tho permanent
        a Lability of oountrlea living in n »       ^ -kj i. L>^J. •_>-L^> L LpU.1 0I
        the 3phoro of tho democracies is       _ - <                            ,
        something for which H.B.M.'s        0J          ^        i*y^- y--".-* ob
        policy has always aiming. This L*Lp lu              i— U— *L;I J* jo*
        SKS*»J “.S“iSXr
        this govornmont and its people ar oj Jt-jjl UJ |jj»3 • *—S~if**/* y^
        instruments which would cor tqinlx " _i h ij*            .1 ij^uJI i£LJI
        load to tormoil us is happening | r7. .                                 <
        olsewhero . H.B.IA. 1 s Governmen t Y"*-* v       u«         •ft) 4j^JI <
        has made it a rule from ages past.___JLJ1 0I J lUli 3^ 3L*. Jl^liiu JL^*
        to make tho pooplo fool of tliolr M .        ,   ,, K       ,    K l - n
        support Jn obtaining their rlghti^ 1 ^ ttf ^ o& ^*xJI Ob *       o>
        Wo are pleased to cncloso horov/ltli----^ (oL^L *.J              ^ jJI .LJI
        a copy of the text of a letter      ____p, ^JL jL .                  rUJ
        addressed by the Political «esi- * .                                , f ,
        dent in 1 U»i3 to the pooplo of          OLr*-*' jXJI ^          j->j Ui« aJ
        Bahrain. From this letter wo can **Jim                      ^lc.1, UJS' LiJU,
        understand that U.U.M. 'a Govern- -, .t.  . T„ . r " a , m
        merit would never tolorato or                          • O011     jX*JI o?
        a'llov/ any wroni's to be done to the JX>- vi            jsi ji UJ    lj.>-
        pooplc .                            ^UJI0IUJ JJUXiLCd^LI
            We have ropoatodly expressed 1              " , ... .              J
         to tho represontutivos of           ---- )ci^jI ^1 oJj            Ioj»
        Government that we cannot do with?----- ^>JI 0I UJ JJ 3I * «jX. j j .1 US
                   ia°l51ch that^wo^cannoti^ ^ ^ o' ^ O-,.            ^
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